The Northern Rd & Bringelly Rd Upgrade (Stage 2)
Client: Lendlease Contracting
Contract: $33m

The Northern Road Upgrade covers 11.3km between Peter Brock Drive, Oran Park and Mersey Road, Bringelly and provides improved access to the new Leppington Railway Station, the M5 and M7 motorways, Western Sydney Airport at Badgerys Creek and the South West Priority Land Release Area.

This was the largest electrical subcontract let as part of the Western Sydney Infrastructure Plan upgrades and second in size only to the combined concrete/asphalt subcontract on this project.
Our unmatched experience on 132kV transmission overhead and underground electrical infrastructure on the Endeavour Energy network gave our client and Transport for NSW confidence they had chosen the right company to work with on the Northern Road & Bringelly Road Upgrade.
The works included 5.5km of 1200mm2 single core and 5km of 800mm2 single core copper cable installed in new 200mm conduits, 5-off 132kV UGOHs, 3-off 8m x 3m joint bays, 1.3km of horizontal direction drilling and 22-off new 132kV concrete poles strung with Uranus conductor.
The transmission infrastructure was built in record time and 6 weeks ahead of schedule allowing for early road construction access for our client.
As part of the remaining 37km of distribution conduits and 650 new street light poles, outreaches and luminaires, Gremalco also provided the design and construction of temporary electrical infrastructure to allow for staging and traffic switches.