The Northern Rd Upgrade (Stage 4)
Client: Georgiou Group / Ertech Joint Venture
Contract: $6.5m

Shortly after the award of the original contract for underground and overhead HV/LV distribution and 47-off streetlight columns, and as a further sign of the strong working relationship with our client, Gremalco was awarded $2m of additional scope to install Endeavour Energy 132kV ducts and cable markers.

We were able to repay our clients’ confidence by amending our electrical program and methodology around our clients’ bulk earthworks program to enable the project to be completed many months ahead of schedule and to the satisfaction of both Georgiou/Ertech JV and Transport for NSW.
This important stage of The Northern Road Upgrade is an approximately 11km upgrade between Mersey Road, Bringelly and Littlefields Road, Luddenham that diverts The Northern Road around the Western Sydney International Airport site at Badgerys Creek, west of the existing road.