Werrington Arterial Rd Upgrade (Stage 1)
Client: Burton Contractors
Contract: $2.2m

The award of this contract followed our first successful Transport for NSW road project, Richmond Road Stage 2. Gremalco’s performance on this project gave our client confidence that we had the expertise to deal with the numerous technical challenges on the Werrington Arterial Road – Stage 1 project.
The project had a significant overhead component with almost 2km of new overhead powerlines installed on 60-off new distribution poles, 108 luminaires and removal of 45-off timber poles.
The underground infrastructure that included 33kV transmission, was delivered in a manner that allowed our client early construction access.
The most challenging aspect of this project was the installation of new conductors as part of a complex outage over the M4 Motorway.
See images below of this portion of the works.